In admission of my child(ren)
to Glengarry Child Care Society, I
agree to the contents of this agreement and to comply with the policies and procedures as outlined in the Parent Policy Manual
I have received a copy of the Parent Policy Manual and understand that it is my responsibility to review its contents and direct any questions or concerns to the Executive Director or the Program Supervisor
Fee Schedule - Effective January 1, 2022 (The fulltime fee includes the Affordability Grant)
A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 must be paid before a space is confirmed. Once the registration fee has been paid, it will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Monthly fees are paid by PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) only. Withdrawal dates are the last business day of the previous month or the 21st of the current month. There will be no refunds given for absent days from the program due to Statutory Holidays, personal vacation or illness.
A refundable space deposit is required at the time of registration as per the table below. Space deposits are refunded or applied to the final month of care, providing adequate notice of termination is given. Space deposits will be refunded within 1 month after the final day of care. The space deposit can be paid in installments of no less than $50.00/month by signing a payment agreement
In the case of extended absences of more than 30 days, the full unsubsidized monthly fee must be paid in advance in order to retain the child’s space. The affordability grant and subsidy will not be paid if the child does not have attendance hours. If payment is not received prior to commencement of the leave, the child’s space will be terminated and filled with a family from the waiting list.
One month’s written notice is required when terminating care. Notice can only be given on the 1st business day of the month. If less than one month’s written notice is given, the space deposit will be retained by the Society.
Parent’s arriving after 6:00 p.m. will be charged a late pick up fee of $25.00 for the first 10 minutes and $1.00/subsequent minute after 6:00 p.m.. The Eduators will make every effort to contact the parents and/or emergency contacts. If contact cannot be made by 8:00 p.m., the Crisis Line will be contacted and the child will be placed in their care.
Educators must be made aware when the children are dropped off and picked up from the centre. The parent must ensure that they contact an Educator when dropping off and picking up their child. It is the Educators responsibility to sign the children in and out on the HiMama system, using the computers in the rooms
The centre will not release the children to anyone unless authorization has been given by the parent. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the centre if someone other than themselves will be picking up their child. Parents will be required to provide a family password that will be used to verify any individual arriving at the centre to pick up a child that is not known to the Educators.
Fundraising revenue is an important part of the Society’s annual operating budget. A payment of $19.25/month/family has been implemented to eliminate the need to run fundraising events. All families are required to pay this monthly fee. No further participation in fundraising will be required.
Glengarry Child Care Society reserves the right to access medical assistance for any child left in our care, when it is deemed such assistance necessary, 9-1-1 will be called and the the child will be transported to the Northeast Community Health Centre, 14007 – 50 Street, or as decided on by EMS. The parent or emergency contact contacted, informed of the situation and given the ambulance destinate. The Executive Director or Program Supervisor will accompany the child to the Hospital and wait for the parent to arrive. All costs incurred with accessing medical assistance are the parent’s responsibility.
Glengarry Child Care Society agrees to use all due care in caring for all children and their effects; however, the Society is not liable for any loss of, or damage to, clothing or other effects of children, not for any accident, injury, illness or disease that may occur to any child while in the care of Glengarry Child Care Society. All accidents and incidents that pertain to the child will be reported directly to the parent. Accident or incident reports shall be completed by attending staff and shall be signed by the parent at the end of the day
If a child shows any signs of illness, as outlined in the Health and Disease Policy, they will not be accepted into the program. The receiving Educator that notices any of these symptoms when a child arrives will ask that the child be taken home and to be seen by a Physician. A note from the Physician stating that the child’s condition is not contagious will be required. If a child displays any signs or symptoms of illness during the day, the child will be isolated and the parent or emergency contact will be called and asked to pick up the child.
Medication will only be administered with a signed Individual Medication Record. The medication must be prescribed by a physician, come in the original container with a prescription label indicating the child’s name, dosage and number of times per day that the medication should be administered. A medication form must be completed by the parent before the medication can be administered. Glengarry does not administer any homeopathic or herbal remedies to children.
All children are required to be properly dressed for the weather daily. All clothing is to be labelled with the child’s name. Two or three extra changes of clothes are to be kept at the centre in case of accidents.
Glengarry Child Care Society will take the children on outings and fieldtrips. The parent will sign the Field Trip Permission form at the time of registration which covers local field trips. Any field trips not covered by the Field Trip Permission form will require an additional consent form. The staff will complete the Field Trip Permission form and have the parents sign. Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer for field trips
I understand that Glengarry Child Care Society reserves the right to terminate this agreement without notice, where in the judgment of the Society, this is justified by circumstances and in the best interest of the child/ren.
Please initial each permission consent below. I understand that I can decline my permission to any of the following.
I give permission for GCCS to post the following information regarding my child (first name, last name, birthday) within the centre. I understand that additional permission would be requested to post my child’s information outside of the centre (initial)
I give permission to the staff of Glengarry Child Care Society, to take my child on walks around the immediate neighborhood, within a 5 km radius from the Centre. I understand that Educators will take a list of all children, emergency contact information, first aid kit and a cell phone with them on all outings I understand that any outings not included in this agreement require a separate field trip permission form, which I will be required to sign (initial)
I give my permission to have photo’s taken of my child/ren to be posted within the centre. I understand that any external use of my child’s photo would require additional permission (initial)
I understand that the centre has a variety of pets and that my child may have access to them.
I understand the following;
- As with all pets, there is the possibility that my child may be bitten or scratched
- Pets will be permitted “out of cage” time while my child is in care
- My child may be involved in the care, feeding and cleaning of the pets and their living environments
Glengarry Child Care Society agrees to the following:
- To ensure that all pets are veterinary inspected prior to being brought into the program
- To access medical attention when necessary to ensure that all pets remain healthy
- To assist the children in caring for and interacting with all pets in a safe and appropriate manner
I give permission for employees of Glengarry Child Care Society to apply sunscreen and bug spray to my child/ren according to the guidelines within the Parent Policy Manual. I understand that I must provide both sunscreen and bug spray that follows the guidelines outlined in the Parent Policy Manual.
Glengarry Child Care Society has the right to terminate this agreement.
Glengarry Child Care Society